Project Announcement No. 7 October 21, 2014: Metaspecialties
The CLLEVER study investigating team would like to announce
that an outcome of Phase 2 of the study- the development of metaspecialties to
group specialist nurse practitioner areas of practice - have been taken up by
Queensland Health.
The Nursing and Midwifery Office, Queensland Health is using
the metaspecialty groupings to define areas of practice for a practice scope
register for prescribing medications under the Drug Therapy Protocol. The
Queensland Health webpage is here.
The metaspecialities developed in CLLEVER are currently
being confirmed by a national Delphi study. Mr Chris Helms is conducting the
study as part of his doctoral research program. The Delphi study is nested in
an ARC funded research project (named CLLEVER2) that builds on CLLEVER